4 weeks
What vitamins should I be taking to get ready for baby?
I started a vitamin regime almost a year ago. I always thought I got enough nutrients from the healthy foods I ate, but was told to think again. I know these vitamins haven't been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and I learned that in college, so back then I figured vitamins were a waste of money. Wrong. They should be taken every day, especially when you're trying to get pregnant or have just found out baby is growing inside you.
Vitamins I was taking:
1. Women's One's - Heart, Bone and Breast Health (contains 800 mcg of Folic Acid).
Folic Acid prevents birth defects. According to March of Dimes, "Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps a baby’s neural tube to grow healthy during pregnancy. The neural tube will become a baby’s brain and spinal cord. But if the neural tube doesn’t close the way it should, it can cause a very serious birth defect called a neural tube defect (NTD)." Read more here.
2. Melaleuca's Phytomgea (blend of phytosterols, omega-3s, coenzyme Q10, and alpha lipoic acid)
My mom gave me this one. Official state guidelines state that Americans should eat around two meals of fatty fish a week. According to the website American Pregnancy, "Omega-3s have been found to be essential for both neurological and early visual development of the baby. Pregnant women become depleted in omega-3s, since the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development. Omega-3s are also used after birth to make breast milk. With each subsequent pregnancy, mothers are further depleted. Research has confirmed that adding EPA and DHA to the diet of pregnant women has a positive effect on visual and cognitive development of the child. Studies have also shown that higher consumption of omega-3s may reduce the risk of allergies in infants.
Omega-3 fatty acids have positive effects on the pregnancy itself. Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery, lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and may increase birth weight and gestational weight. Omega-3 deficiency also increases the mother's risk for depression. This may explain why postpartum mood disorders may become worse and begin earlier with subsequent pregnancies."
3. The Vitamin Shoppe's Vitamin D3 (2000 IU)
My chiropractor is the one who got me hooked on D3. Once he said it's great at fighting off winter illnesses, I started taking it. I've also been told that Vitamin D3 is great for bone density and building a strong immune system to fight off cancers. It also helps in brain development in children. There is a link with autism and lack of vitamin D3 in women. What's most remarkable about vitamin D is the sheer number of health issues it's been linked to. In the past few years, studies have shown that a lack of the vitamin may be the primary culprit in depression, heart disease, pregnancy problems, birth defects, skin and other cancers, and multiple sclerosis. More about D3 here.
4. The Vitamin Shoppe's Probiotic Complex (4 billion CFU)
This is where things gets fun. Constipation is a big side effect of pregnant women. Probiotics help the digestive track and is a good at keeping the immune system healthy. Read more about probiotics here.
5. Standard Process's Cataplex B
This is also from my chiropractor and supports physical and nervous system health. Read more.
6. Standard Process's Symplex F
Symplex F supports the healthy function of the ovaries and the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands. Read more.
7. Standard Process's Drenamin
Drenamin supports adrenal function and helps maintain emotional balance. Read more here.
Vitamins I now take
1. Rainbow Light's Prenatal One (a food-based multi)
Prenatal One is loaded with Iron, Folate and Iodine (which my women's one didn't have). So I went with what the Vitamin Shoppe guy told me and bought this. Read more about Prenatal One.
2. New Chapter's WholeMega Fish Oil
There are tons of studies out right now about pregnant woman not getting enough fish oil, so I started taking this stuff. Omega-3 nourishes the heart, brain, kidney and eyes. I'm in. Read more about WholeMega.
3. The Vitamin Shoppe's Vitamin D3 (2000 IU)
My chiropractor is the one who got me hooked on D3. Once he said it's great at fighting off winter illnesses, I started taking it. I've also been told that Vitamin D3 is great for bone density and building a strong immune system to fight off cancers. It also helps in brain development in children. There is a link with autism and lack of vitamin D3 in women. What's most remarkable about vitamin D is the sheer number of health issues it's been linked to. In the past few years, studies have shown that a lack of the vitamin may be the primary culprit in depression, heart disease, pregnancy problems, birth defects, skin and other cancers, and multiple sclerosis. More about D3 here.
4. The Vitamin Shoppe's Probiotic Complex (4 billion CFU)
This is where things gets fun. Constipation is a big side effect of pregnant women. Probiotics help the digestive track and is a good at keeping the immune system healthy. Read more about probiotics here.
What vitamins are you taking and why?
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