She mentioned paying attention to social networking sites and signing up on many of them, creating a blog and a website. All which I have completed, however, I have skipped way over Step One - the major challenge - and that is writing THE BOOK. I have it outlined. I have a brief synopsis. And I have three chapters. But I have had three chapters for a month now! I should be on chapter six or seven at the rate I'm designing websites, blogs and tweeting! Oh, and trying to stay focused at my full-time job, which is getting busier by the day!
In my mind, and I'm sure in the mind of others who want to become published, I feel like I need to find away to brush shoulders with agents and publishers. Almost like my name should be coming up in conversations at cocktail parties or other book signings. Boy, is my head in the clouds right now, or what? I feel like I need to make a solid name for myself before I even begin to propose the book idea.
To me, this getting published stuff is like applying for a job. I have always refused to send in an ordinary resume, with plain words and a common cover letter like everyone else! I want to be different. I want to stand out! More importantly, I want the job. So that is my plan when it comes to this book. My husband keeps reminding me that I need to focus on the book. He is right. I do. And I will. Right after I write another short article for Channel 5 KSTP...
Another suggestion my writing teacher had was getting published. So that was my next big step and challenge. I have been published several times in the Shakopee Valley News. There are over 20,000 people in the community of Shakopee, but do they all get the paper? I wanted even bigger. Then my friend Hoover told me about KSTP looking for community writers. And I shot off an email to them. They seemed interested and now I have my own password protected web page I log into to create stories that are published on KSTP's website!!! So exciting!!! But again, that takes away from writing my book, but at the same time, it's what I need to do...
The key is balance. And I suppose that is true to life in general. We need balance or else we start losing it. My brain is telling me that I need to get this book done as fast as I can - almost like I'm in a race against time. I'm not sure why that is either. Is it my intuition or is it just anxiety kicking in because there is so much today and I'm not really accustomed to working slow?
What I need to do is take a deep breath and open my packet and start with Step One - write and finish my book!! It has a ONE in front of it for a reason. So I'm going to try reserving one day a week for writing this book only! I'll try that and get back to you!
As for now, still dreaming BIG! Thanks for stopping by!! Don't forget to visit!
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