Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hello Second Trimester - 14 Weeks

14 Weeks

Welcome to the second trimester! This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb. Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him -- a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb. In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches -- about the size of a lemon -- and weighs 1 1/2 ounces.

WooHoo! We made it to Second Trimester. My energy is definitely back, but that nauseousness still likes to linger from time to time. I could do without that.
Here comes the bump!

So Sunday (Easter) was 78 degrees out or something crazy AMAZING like that. Instead of my normal “nap” I went for a run/walk instead (in a T-shirt!) - 2.7 miles in under 30 minutes. SCORE! I was pumped. Yesterday I went on a 2.5 mile walk during my lunch break. PERFECT. I’m baaaaaack! I have a lot of toning up to do though. Yikes! Things sure do sag a lot quicker the older you get. Woof.

I spent Monday talking to a nurse through our insurance provider. They are offering a Healthy Pregnancy Program. SUPER cool. She asked all the right questions. I realized all this time people mainly ask how I’m feeling. She really asked the in-depth questions: Will I have support when the baby comes? Who? Do I feel safe?  Will I nurse? How was I emotionally after Jackson? How am I feeling about a second child?

It was really GREAT to talk to someone. Life seems so rushed sometimes, doesn’t it? We don’t always get to talk about ourselves.

The best part? I get a free Medela Breast Pump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited about this. Yes, I already have one, but what a PAIN to haul it to and from work all the time. This will help so much. It’s just nice to feel like SOMEONE other than family is in my corner about making life easier when it comes to nursing.
I’m back to eating and cooking pretty healthy again. LOTS of veggies! I just know I have to stick to a workout routine AND get some weights involved. The nurse I talked to kept telling me…”Keep moving! Whatever you do, keep moving!” 

She is right. So right. I’m shooting for every other day right now. That seems to be working.

I was pretty sure with Jackson I was having a boy. This time around I keep going back and forth. Boy? Girl? Will we find out? Karl is leaning towards finding out. I’m indifferent. I liked the surprise but even after Jackson was born, neither of us cared. The doctor was like, “OK, dad. Are you going to share if it’s a girl or a boy?”

We were like…”Oh Yeah! Duh!” We were both covered in tears.

I can’t believe we’re going through this again. This whole process is such a miracle. So precious.
Ever feel like God is closer than ever? That’s how I feel right now. I’ve been having a lot of conversations with him. The more I invite him into our life, the more I feel planted. If that makes sense? God provides. He knows us best. I have to trust that. The more I trust, the more GOOD (God) follows. The more I feel rooted  deep within in his love and my own.

My thoughts for the day!

Symptoms & Cravings
·         More energy (FINALLY!)
·         Love to eat – glad it’s not sweets but more like fish and oranges or apples. Chipotle/Qdoba.
·         Peeing a lot during the night
·         Usually cold. Freezing cold.
·         Little nauseous here and there
·         Still big ol’ rash on my face.

·         I think I might be up to 152 lbs. Yikes. 


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