Travel Often

“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” — Rosalia de Castro

Love Deeply, but Laugh Along the Way

"Happiness is only real when shared." - Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild

View Marriage as an Adventure

"Love is a flower which turns into fruit at marriage." ~Finnish Proverb

Fuel your body with GOOD (It's the only one you get)

He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. - Arabian Proverb

Open your Soul to Motherhood

A Grand Adventure is About to Begin - Winnie the Pooh

A New Kind of Love is Born

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Power of Prayer

When have you last witnessed the power of prayer? 

Sometimes I hold back on sharing things because they seem totally bizarre, but I'm witnessing how profound the power of prayer is right now, so I'm going to share my little experience I had a couple weeks ago because prayer is incredible and sometimes we need these reminders. 

Now, I do realize our prayers don't always get answered and I'm not sure why other than something to do with the bigger picture, but when they do get answered, I think they are reminders that something we can't quite explain is going on. Something so profound... 

i posted a couple weeks ago on Facebook that Nathan (our youngest) had a fever for 14 days. He FINALLY was on day 3 of being fever free. We thought we were in the clear. He had all the blood work done we could think of and things were coming back pretty OK. There was some elevation in white blood cells, but we didn't hear back from his doctor so assumed everything was OK.  Karl was gone in Milwaukee that night (Weezer calls!) and around 2 am Nathan walks into our room totally disoriented and screaming his head hurts. He was burning up. The fever was BACK and full force! He mentioned was going to get sick. My stomach dropped. WHAT. WAS. GOING. ON? 

Automatically I started thinking meningitis. This bug just didn't want to leave us. I started planning up what I was going to do next. I was alone. Our neighbors were out of town. Karl was more than 6 hours away. My mother in law was babysitting our nieces. Do I bundle up and head to Children's? Was I being dramatic?? 14 days of a fever seems crazy - something we never have gone through in our house. And all symptoms were back. Was this something way worse? I gave Nathan some Tylenol and pulled him in close to me. 

So I started to pray. And I prayed and prayed and prayed. I held our baby tight and kept repeating the same healing prayer over and over and over. Then I asked for a message. "God, TELL ME what I need to do. Send me a message. Please." 

I must have fallen asleep. The last I looked the clock showed 4:26. All of a sudden I was in a dark room. Jackson and Nathan were with me and I was looking at my watch. It showed 3 a.m. I told them a nurse was calling me soon. Sure enough a phone on the wall rang and I picked it up. There, the most angelic voice spoke to me. "Christie, do not be afraid. Nathan is healthy. You are doing just fine. He has a rare virus he is fighting off and all you need to do is..."

I woke up. WHAT did I need to do??

Nathan was whispering in my ear. "Mom, I'm so schweaty. so so schweaty."
The bed was soaked. He was covered in sweat. And he was cool to touch. I immediately scanned his entire body over with my hands and eyes. I took his temp.

His fever broke. He was a cool 98.7 and was lying there like a sweet angel. And he's been fine ever since. In the meantime, his doctor finally called and I told him about Nathan getting a fever again and he mentioned that was quite concerning. He suggested we come in again. 

We did. But this time I KNEW he was fine. I kept saying that to everyone when their levels of worry or anxiety would rise. HE IS FINE. Because I knew in my heart he was fine. 

Sure enough... all numbers came back fine. 

Has your prayer been answered recently? Or have you witnessed the power of prayer?

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Have You Ever Wanted to Write a Book?

Kind of a random question, but have you ever wanted to write a book before??? 

Before kids, I had this dream growing that I needed to write a book. I remember when I was in the 6th grade, I climbed my favorite tree in the backyard and journaled how one day I was going to write an entire book. Back then it was going to be a book of poems, but still. It was a book.

When I entered college, I put a time capsule together in one of my classes and was instructed to open it a year later....but forgot about it. I found it buried in the back of my closet 5 years later. In there, was my dream written out how I was going to write a book. (I also was going to have five kids and live in the middle-of-nowhere Montana, buuuuuut, this was written by the girl who had never even changed a diaper before. ðŸ˜‚)
So I Googled, "How to write a book". First step? Actually WRITE a book. So that is what I did. Every free second was devoted to writing, and in the end, I wrote a 365+ page book days before I had our first son. While I was writing, I took community writing classes, had a friend out in Hollywood offer advice, found an online critique group and even was able to find a few agents who actually wanted to read the entire thing. Exciting!! But no offers.
Part of me took that as maybe I wasn't cut out to write books. Part of me reverted back to the day my college volleyball coach told me I'd never amount to anything. And part of me was so exhausted after becoming a mom, that I decided maybe I'd come back to this dream later in life when things slowed down.
Then I went to California on a work trip last month. I stood in line to get a book signed by Ann Handley. Funny because I ran into her last August too at another conference. But it wasn't like I had read all her books or was her hugest fan. However, that dream was lit again. I was determined to talk to her. I was inspired that she had an actual book in her hands that she had written, not to mention a few more. But she did it. And that was all I needed to ignite my dream again of writing. Sometimes we need others out there to remind us it can be done.
I mean, have you ever met someone who has went from realizing their dreams to discovering their calling to getting to do their perfect dream job? It doesn't happen often. BUT we all have to start somewhere. Sure, our journeys can lead us in all different directions, but if the hustle is there, and we can be brave enough to listen to our dreams and keep trying.... one day the hard work pays off.
Keep dreaming, friends!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Is God Really Listening??

Does Praying Really Work?

Have I told you guys about the two times I seriously had a conversation with God and He listened? Like... I prayed and something magical happened days after? Maybe a coincidence, but I'm not so sure. You can decide for yourself, but I truly think God was listening.

The first time was when I moved to Minnesota randomly several months after graduating college, had NO friends (yet), no plans and I was scared out of my mind, lonely and so very lost. I was in desperate need of a job. I had just paid my first ever $500 rent check and needed a paycheck before the next one came due. I remember dropping to my knees on the floor of the apartment I was living in and turning the pages of the local newspaper. I said, "God, please direct me to the perfect job for me. I need something that will change my life. I don't know what that looks like, but I trust you do."

My finger landed on a job opportunity at a church of all places. I really didn't want to work at a church. After all, I had a "college degree". Didn't that mean I was supposed to work somewhere fancy? I applied and got a call shortly after for an interview. When I walked in for my interview, I KNEW I was supposed to be there. I don't know how to explain it, but everything in my being told me THIS is what I prayed for. I also KNEW I was going to get the job. And I did. And I worked there for almost 4 years. I made incredible friendships, developed a deeper relationship with God, was able to do mission work in Peru and learned a lot about the power of grace and forgiveness. Not to mention, I was able to spend a lot of quality time with my bigger bro too since we ended up moving right next to each other in town homes for most of our 20s.

The second time I remember praying and God answering was when it was time to leave my position at the church and spread my wings. I didn't want to leave a place I felt so safe in, but something was telling me it was time. Again, I opened up the local paper, prayed that God would direct me to the right opportunity for me. I applied for ONE job. One. They were on their third round of interviews out of 600+ applicants and I sneaked in at the tail end. I walked in and told myself, "I'm getting this job," which was SUCH a long shot. And oddly enough, I got the job. It wasn't my ideal job by any means and my position ended up being eliminated less than 2 years being there. But you know who I met at this place? My future husband. And we began our beautiful journey together.

These two events in my life remain as constant reminders to me that the magic seems to happen in the uncomfortable moments. The times when we feel stuck, maybe even alone, but there is this nudge. What is that and what happens when we listen to it?

I think God wants us to remember Him. I think these times require us to be brave and vulnerable with our true thoughts and feelings...and then let Him know that we are READY (even if we're still scared) for Him take us on the wildest and coolest rides of our lives. And when the timing is right, He will.

When has God answered one of your prayer? How did that change you?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A shot of pulp, keeps the doctor away

How do you get in your vitamins and minerals in daily?

Well, this was perfect timing, I suppose. We’re not only working through the sudden loss of Karl’s (my husband) dad, but also struggling to keep all the back-to-school bugs away. Life keeps going, doesn’t it?
They're heeerrrreee! I received an email from Pete this past week saying he enjoyed my blog and my passion for living out a healthy lifestyle and was curious if I'd be up for trying his new product Pulp Story Juice. 

A super nice company @PulpStoryJuice in California came across my blog and shared in an email that they produce a cool new health product and thought I might be interested in trying.

They figured with my passion for health I might be up for giving their shots….well, a shot. I was thinking maybe one or two. I wasn’t thinking I’d get a whole cooler worth! SWEET!!!
My first @pulpstory juice this morning! Gave it a go first thing. HUGE fan of the taste. Excited to have a little shot of this before my workout every morning for the next month. 

They earned my respect and grabbed my attention right away. Pulp Story Juice was paying attention! They know I like eating clean and minimally processed foods, and these juice shots are straight from the source and then cold pressed to extract all vitamins, minerals, and flavors without adding oxidizing heat. Nothing strange added to it.

I've been doubling these up with my Shakeology to keep my immune system strong since I keep getting sprayed with sneezes and coughs. So far, I’ve stayed in the clear and I gave both boys the pineapple flavored ones to split knowing how well pineapple helps with their coughing at night. Two thumbs up from them.

I'm ALWAYS open to trying products that are as natural as can be. Pete, the developer, found a Turmeric manufacturer that processes the spice in a unique way, harnessing its full medicinal properties in the form of a healthy juice shot. 
Some of us like it spicy :) 

And since Turmeric is such an incredible natural healer and with me having inflammation in my optic nerve, he generously shared his products benefits with me. Just in case you have been under a rock, Curcumin is one of the most active and bioavailable compounds in turmeric root, indicated for treating depression, anxiety and dementia. For instance, though the mechanisms aren’t clear, studies increasingly point to turmeric’s role in preventing and reducing the effects of Alzheimer’s. (Mishra S and Palanivelu K. The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer's disease: An overview.)

I started to incorporate a different flavor right after my workouts in the morning and felt like I was starting the day off in such a healthy, positive way. It was harder to make bad choices, ya know? Why ruin a good thing?
Cherry Poppins might have been my fave! Especially enjoyed out of a nice glass

Though the days have been tough over here, I do have peace of mind knowing I’m pouring something healthy into body – something it needs during this season of life.

I did end up getting a cold, but I was able to bounce back quicker than I ever have before. With the combination of self-care (yoga, meditation, Epsom salt baths), a healthy diet and proper rest, our bodies respond well.

What are some trips and tricks that work for you when it comes to preventative care?Have you guys heard of Pulp Story Juice yet?? Who would be willing to try? 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Facts of Life

Words to Live By

Wanted to share a post I read that I bet you guys can relate to just as much as I can.

"As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300 or a $30.00 watch - - they both tell the same time.
Whether we carry a $300 or a $30.00 wallet/handbag - - the amount of money inside is the same.
Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine - - the hangover is the same.
Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq. ft. - - loneliness is the same.

You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sung songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth - That is true happiness!!

1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price.
2: Best awarded words: "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food."
3: The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.
4: There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.
5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, You have to manage!
6: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!

1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence and
6. Friends
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Morning Devotional - Spending Time with God

When do you spend time with God each day?

If you're anything like me, I'm sure you're feeling pressed for time. Maybe there are not enough hours in your day. Maybe you can barely workout or even get a few hours of sleep a night because you're trying to fit everything in. You might be running around with a scowl on your face because you're so focused on getting everything done. Maybe, just maybe, you're even missing out on the amazing things going on right in front of you just so you get everything done.

Stop for a second. Why are you doing this to yourself?

I remember shortly after our second son was born, I was stretched beyond thin. Not only did both my grandparents pass away within 6 months of each other, my other grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then so was my mom, and I was working full-time, nursing, pumping, juggling a couple jobs, caring for two boys, managing a household and trying to be a great wife. To say I was tired was an understatement. I might have a slight problem asking for help.

But I'm also learning that we go through seasons and I was in a tough one. All of a sudden, Nathan started to sleep through the night and we gained an extra hour with daylight savings ending. I used that hour for me. I headed to the basement. I sat in silence, meditated and had conversations with God. I felt the overwhelm start to trickle away day by day. I became stronger and more at peace and started to own every day with grace and zest. I changed.

The more you have to do. And the busier you are. The more you really need to spend time with God. If you give God your time, He will give it back to you. And wouldn't having more time in your day be wonderful?

Remember, God is in charge of time. He knows how much you need to accomplish the things you really need to do. He can protect and help you manage it if you will spend time with Him first. Stop trying to "fit" God into your schedule. Make a decision to put him first. Then work the rest of your schedule around him.

Life does not have to overwhelm you or catch you off guard. Prepare yourself for the challenges you will face each day by trusting Him with your time.

When can you find time for God today? 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Spirits and Orbs? Is there such a thing?

Is it really just a glare in the photo or is someone with us?

Have you ever looked at your photos closely? 

Ever notice an orb in them before?

What is an orb? In photography, an orb is a typically circular artifact on an image, created as a result of flash photography illuminating a mote of dust or other particle. Orbs are especially common with modern compact and ultra-compact digital cameras.

Most people know I love the sun. I love it's warmth. How it feels on my face. The brightness. It brings hope in my heart and so much promise for the day. So when my husband Karl came across the photo I took of the sunshine coming through the trees and leaves in a post I put up on Facebook, he said..."WHAT IS THAT??" And pointed to the green orb.
The moments I was thinking of Jim and felt such warmth and beauty

On Saturday, Karl, his mom, myself and the boys went out to the land. This is where his dad loved to be and hunt in his earlier days at the cabin. So after walking about at the cabin and being reminded in every corner that Jim was not coming back, we grabbed a couple beers, off-roaded in my late father-in-law's truck through an overgrown field and set out on a walk through the woods. 

It was beautiful and peaceful, but sad at the same time. Especially when my mother in law stopped and said how much Jim would love to be there. I could feel her heart ache. Mine did too. We stood in silence for a while. The sun was at the perfect angle and its light was cascading through the leaves and branches trying to cut through any darkness it could find. I remember feeling Jim there, but I have been feeling him everywhere lately. So I do what I do best when I feel moved by something and I snapped a photo. 

That is the photo Karl looked at. He told me there was something wrong with my phone and there was some junk on it. I showed him other photos. No orbs. We decided it must be the sunshine and reflection. So he asked to see another photo I took of the sun. There was the green orb. And another. The green orb. And so one. And then he asked to see a sun photo before his dad died. I showed him. No orb. I showed him another and another. No green orb. 

Just my every day sunshine orbs included and when Jim was still here

Some people believe that orbs are more than dust particles or drops of moisture on the lens--they are proof of guardian angels, captured on camera.  When these "spirit orbs" or "angel orbs" appear near a single person or a group of people in a photo, it's a sign that they are blessed with the goodness, positive energy, and protection of angels.  When orbs appear in a particular location, it's also a sign that angels are hovering nearby and the location is particularly blessed.


In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit, as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature.
I don't know. Could be a dust particle or refraction of light on my phone lens. Or maybe...just maybe...Jim is with us. 

What do you think?? Am I totally losing my mind over here?