Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Is God Really Listening??

Does Praying Really Work?

Have I told you guys about the two times I seriously had a conversation with God and He listened? Like... I prayed and something magical happened days after? Maybe a coincidence, but I'm not so sure. You can decide for yourself, but I truly think God was listening.

The first time was when I moved to Minnesota randomly several months after graduating college, had NO friends (yet), no plans and I was scared out of my mind, lonely and so very lost. I was in desperate need of a job. I had just paid my first ever $500 rent check and needed a paycheck before the next one came due. I remember dropping to my knees on the floor of the apartment I was living in and turning the pages of the local newspaper. I said, "God, please direct me to the perfect job for me. I need something that will change my life. I don't know what that looks like, but I trust you do."

My finger landed on a job opportunity at a church of all places. I really didn't want to work at a church. After all, I had a "college degree". Didn't that mean I was supposed to work somewhere fancy? I applied and got a call shortly after for an interview. When I walked in for my interview, I KNEW I was supposed to be there. I don't know how to explain it, but everything in my being told me THIS is what I prayed for. I also KNEW I was going to get the job. And I did. And I worked there for almost 4 years. I made incredible friendships, developed a deeper relationship with God, was able to do mission work in Peru and learned a lot about the power of grace and forgiveness. Not to mention, I was able to spend a lot of quality time with my bigger bro too since we ended up moving right next to each other in town homes for most of our 20s.

The second time I remember praying and God answering was when it was time to leave my position at the church and spread my wings. I didn't want to leave a place I felt so safe in, but something was telling me it was time. Again, I opened up the local paper, prayed that God would direct me to the right opportunity for me. I applied for ONE job. One. They were on their third round of interviews out of 600+ applicants and I sneaked in at the tail end. I walked in and told myself, "I'm getting this job," which was SUCH a long shot. And oddly enough, I got the job. It wasn't my ideal job by any means and my position ended up being eliminated less than 2 years being there. But you know who I met at this place? My future husband. And we began our beautiful journey together.

These two events in my life remain as constant reminders to me that the magic seems to happen in the uncomfortable moments. The times when we feel stuck, maybe even alone, but there is this nudge. What is that and what happens when we listen to it?

I think God wants us to remember Him. I think these times require us to be brave and vulnerable with our true thoughts and feelings...and then let Him know that we are READY (even if we're still scared) for Him take us on the wildest and coolest rides of our lives. And when the timing is right, He will.

When has God answered one of your prayer? How did that change you?

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